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TM FS25 Real Life Reshade - BETA + Face/Head Tracker Preset

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TM FS25 Real Life Reshade - BETA + Face/Head Tracker Preset


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I'm excited to share my TM Real Life Shader for Farming Simulator 25, a custom visual enhancement designed to improve your FS25 experience while maintaining smooth performance. This specially crafted LUT with sharp contrast adjustment brings out the best visuals without heavy processing, ensuring your FPS stays stable.

How to Install TM FS25 Real Life Shader:

  1. First, extract the TM FS25 Real Life file.
  2. Make sure you have these two files:

a. FS25 Real Life.ini

b. TMLUT2.png (located in the shaders/Textures folder)

  1. Copy the TM Real Life FS25.ini file and the shaders folder, then paste them into your installed shader folder.
  2. Ensure you place the TMLUT2.png file in the correct folder, shaders/Textures, to make it work properly, or your screen may turn black.
  3. In game, access the Reshade visual settings (HOME KEY), select preset FS25 Real Life.ini from the dropdown menu. Youre ready to go!

Enjoy the enhanced farming experience!

Key Features:

  • Balanced color adjustments for realistic visuals
  • Sharp contrast enhancement for better detail
  • Optimized for performance (minimal FPS impact)
  • Compatible with all weather conditions
  • Perfect for both day and night gameplay



Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more gaming content, including the latest mods and visual enhancements for Farming Simulator 25. Stay tuned for more updates!

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Note: Since FS25 is a new game, make sure to keep your game and mods updated for the best experience.


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Preset + LUT only

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